Pete Bonasso

Pete Bonasso is a principal designer of the 3T intelligent control architecture, and since 1995, has investigated the application of 3T to NASA autonomous robots, such as the RMS Assistant and advanced life support monitoring and control, such as that for a plant nutrient delivery system, an advanced air revitalization system (ARS), and an integrated water recovery system (WRS). He developed the system planner for managing crew/plant gas exchange during a ninety-one day, human-rated Lunar-Mars Life Support Test. He has developed an automated RAPS to PRL translator for NASA’s A4O program, was the PI on an SBIR to extend PRL to support planning operations and is currently developing authoring systems to build space ontologies. He has served on the program committees for the National AI Conference and the annual Agent Theory, Architectures, and Languages conference, and was the co- organizer of the first AAAI Mobile Robot Competition in 1992. He is also an editor of Artificial Intelligence and Mobile Robots, with David Kortenkamp and Robin Murphy, published by the MIT Press in 1998.
- 1968 B.S. Engineering, United States Military Academy, Westpoint NY
- 1974 M.S. Computer Utilization, Stanford University, Palo Alto CA
M. Boddy, M. Michalowski, H. Shackleton, R. P. Bonasso, and S. Bell,“ConCEPT:Constraint- Checking Editor for Procedure Editing and Tracking,” in Workshop on AI in Space at the 2015 International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI). 2015.
R. P. Bonasso, M. Boddy, D. Kortenkamp, and S. Bell, “Ontological Models to Support Space Operations,” in Workshop on AI in Space at the 2013 International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI). 2013.
R. P. Bonasso and M. Boddy, Eliciting Planning Information from Subject Matter Experts, in Workshop on Knowledge Engineering for Planning & Scheduling, ICAPS-2010. Toronto, Canada. 2010.
R. P. Bonasso, M. Boddy, and D. Kortenkamp, Enhancing NASA’s Procedure Representation Language to Support Planning Operations, in IWPSS-09. Pasadena, CA. 2009.
D. Kortenkamp, R. P. Bonasso and D. Schreckenghost, “Developing and Executing Goal-Based, Adjustably Autonomous Procedures,” in AIAA InfoTech@Aerospace Conference, 2007.
D. Kortenkamp, R. P. Bonasso and D. Schreckenghost, “Procedures as a Gateway to Spacecraft Autonomy,” in AAAI Fall Symposium on Spacecraft Autonomy, 2006.
R. P. Bonasso, D. Kortenkamp, and C. Thronesbery. Intelligent Control of a Water Recovery System: Three Years in the Trenches. AI Magazine 24 (1): 19-44. 2003.
D. Kortenkamp, R. P. Bonasso, and D. Subramanian. Distributed, Autonomous Control of Space Habitats. In Proceedings of the IEEE Aerospace Conference. 2001.
D. Kortenkamp, D. Schreckenghost, and R. P. Bonasso. Adjustable Control Autonomy for Manned Space Flight. In Proceedings of the IEEE Aerospace Conference. Big Sky, MT. 2000.